Baby Steps New England

Baby Steps New England is the infant feeding and development specialty program of Small Steps Therapy. Our team is comprised of Speech-Language Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Registered Dietitians, Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs), and Certified Lactation Support Providers (CLSPs). Our team holds advanced training in nursing and bottle feeding, oral motor and gross/fine motor development, assessing and addressing Tethered Oral Tissues (ToTs), infant massage, and the Tummy Time Method training.

Our dynamic team approach is uniquely qualified to support families throughout their infant feeding and development journeys including supporting optimal breast and bottle feeding, facilitating development, strengthening the parent-baby bond, and managing any challenges which may arise along the way.

We collaborate with many other infant specialists throughout New England including IBCLCs, doulas, chiropractors, dentists, ENTs, cranial sacral therapists, and more, in order to best support infants and their families. Our goal is for every family to feel supported and prepared. They say it takes a village, and we are thrilled to be part of that village!

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